2355 Olive Street. Baton Rouge, LA
2000 SF Renovation and Build Out) Pool Kitchen/Trellis/Garage
Southern Living Magazine _ 2007 Southern Home Awards: Best Outdoor Space
This project begins with a fireplace. The clients request a fireplace with two functions. First, it must serve as a traditional cooking fireplace: a large opening, a fire crane, and an oversized warming hearth. Secondly, it must act as an exterior fireplace: warming and defining and exterior room and yard. The fireplace acts as the pivot from which all spaces, functions, and experiences must radiate. It is set at an angle facing the yard, the house, the entrances and it defines the edge of the two exterior covered areas.
The rest of the program includes multiple insertions that must have multiple functions. The pool kitchen must serve as a kitchen, a formal dining area, and a covered pool house. The garage must act as a garage and a party venue. The trellis must provide a covered walk from the house to the pool kitchen and garage and create two distinct rooms in the backyard. The project also must work within a formal landscape and respond accordingly. The insertions must serve their individual functions and create a unified space.